Saturday, December 15, 2007

3 A.M. Countertenor Hour

Hey guys, it's Countertenor Hour! That is to say, I will be posting a ton of videos about countertenors. What's that you say? You don't like countertenors? Shame on you. 

To start off, here's a video of Russell Oberlin talking about countertenors. I think it's interesting, but if you are a music major, you will not agree with anything, as evidenced by the comments on the page.

Additionally, I think the comments on these classical music videos are the most intelligent Youtube comments ever. Not an impressive label, but I mean, in one video, two guys DO NOT HAVE A FLAME WAR over the issue of Glenn Gough's pianos. That is like watching a bear and a salmon being friends and drinking tea together. It Never Happens.

Next up, here's the video with Russell Oberlin and Glenn Gough. 

Glenn Gough is so funny! Just look at him (glenn) gough! My puns are awesome, and you should agree. Oh wait, my puns are horrible. 

Here is Alfred Deller singing Purcell. I think he got frozen because he doesn't move in this video, just sits there and gazes into the distance with melancholic eyes. What's wrong, Mr. Deller? Your voice is too high? You fell in a vat of liquid nitrogen? You can sing through your nose? Or are you allergic to roses?

Hmmm, I think I like Deller better, but it may just be the recording. Yeah, it's the recording. 

This next dude is no pro, but I put this in because I sang the same aria before. Haha, look, a BOY can sing better than I do. I should get back into singing. Ugh. Word of advice: if you stop singing, at least do vocal excercises every day so when you start singing again you don't sound like a banshee. Yucks. 

Yeah, not the greatest performance in the world (needs work on high notes) but it's not bad! Keep up your singing, unknown person. With practice, you'll have a nice countertenor voice. 

I like this video! It's nice to see a professional singer practicing with a teacher. I have to say, the voice is an evil music "instrument." So easily screwed up, so easily out of tune, so easily accidentally filled with a chunk of tuna that makes you cough. 

Oopsies, he made a screechy noise! 

Dear Andreas Scholl STOP Will you please marry me STOP

So smooth. People, nobody needs flashy coloratura sopranos when you can have bespectacled COUNTERTENORS. He looks like a tall owl penguin that can sing. 

Andreas Scholl, I apologize for being fickle, but I am a fan of this dude's vibrato. The control! David Daniels is a man who has won an award for looking like a lil' owl. 

People, it's time for a Countertenor Showdown.

Here's Scholl singing "Va Tacito."

Here's Daniels singing "Venti Turbini."

Oh what the heck, they both win. Both of these productions are totally crazy anyways. Julius Caesar with paramilitary troops? A man singing to a shoe? Opera, you are weird. 

And now for something different: Baritone and Soprano!

The real reason I put this up: I kinda want to own and wear that orange dress to a fancy ball. 

Penultimate Post

So cute! So delightful! Doesn't it make you happy? Me too. 

Last, another countertenor. But what is this?

Russian Pop? What, this is stupid. (No it's not. Vitas needs to grow his hair out again. Looks better with hair. Jamie you suck for making me listen to this.) I feel sorry for the fish.

Thank you for tuning in to Countertenor Hour. If you don't like countertenors, you probably hate me now. If you actually watched every single video to the end, you really like countertenors, opera, or both. Except maybe the last one. Russian pop?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great. But where's Philippe Jaroussky?