Thursday, January 24, 2008

Ace Flashman in "Reggiecide"- Part II

In the last episode, Ace found himself in a figurative sack of angry bees as the elite guards of King Reggie closed in on him. He then flashed back to a time when he accepted an important mission. Today, we will examine some high-tech gear and board a train.

Reggiecide Part 2: Gears and Trains

As an adventurer, Ace Flashman used an impressive amount of gear. Thus, he needed an assistant to keep it organized, and Veronica was that assistant. Her system of organization was flawless, and incomprehensible to Ace. He was ready for adventuring in a matter of hours.

“Thank you honey bunches.” Ace grabbed his last item, a train ticket to Reggieopolis, from Veronica’s hands. “Without you, I would have been ready in weeks, not hours.”

Because they shared a chaste romance, the couple parted with a quick smooch and loving hugs. It was time to travel.

 Ace arrived at the train station (with the help of Toby, his immature chauffeur) and boarded the train without hassle, sitting next to a grumpy Hawaiian, who shot dirty looks at the rate of five looks per minute. Soon, the conductor tugged on the whistle, and the train chugged along, quickly reaching its maximum speed of 5,000 miles per hour. Curmudgeonly seatmate aside, this easy ride would be the only one Ace could experience. Ace lost himself in thoughts of adventuring and saving helpless citizens.

Bazoop! A laser beamed past Ace and through the brain of his neighbor, the Hawaiian. “That laser was clearly meant for me.” Ace reached for his favorite weapon, his burly arms. “And these guns are meant for you.”

He swung a fierce right hook at his assailant. The assailant ducked. “Who are you, and what beef do you have with me, Ace Flashman, adventurer,” asked Ace, as his left fist whizzed through the air, connecting not with the stranger, but with air molecules.

His black-clad assailant danced around like a prima donna, dodging every kick, punch, and grapple Ace had. “I am A. Menace. I am a loyal servant of King Reggie, here to stop your filthy task.”

“I see you’re not alone.” Ace picked up his stiff neighbor and threw him at the A. Menace. “You and your laser gun have come to stop me.”

A. Menace bent backwards at a ninety-degree angle, a crafty smile on his evil, pointy face. “Oh, but can you stop us, Sir Flashman? Humans cannot stop lasers! They are not made of reflective material, you muscle dunce.” A. Menace brandished his burnished bronze laser guns, two in his hands, a third in the mutant hand growing from the top of his egg-like head. “And you can see I have three lasers in my three hands.”

Ace Flashman flinched at the sight of the three lasers, but not at the sight of the third arm because he was unprejudiced and a kind soul. Would he be able to stop this three-armed A. Menace?

Next time on "Reggiecide": Ace Flashman has a few tricks up his sleeve, literally!


Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Question and Answer: Bathroom Reading

As a descendant of a notorious bathroom reader, here is an important multi-question for people. What is your opinion on bathroom reading, and do you partake in it yourself or do other things such as playing gameboy?

Winner gets a stale raisin bread unless I eat it tonight.

Friday, January 18, 2008

Dinner Crepes

So yesterday (it's almost five A.M., which means I ate dinner yesterday) I had crepes for dinner! This was a very intelligent and healthy move because the crepes were homemade and filled with oranges. Ignore the part where the crepes were also eaten with a huge amount of chocolate chips and ice cream. Crepes are a healthy choice for dinner! They are also very easy to make, so no recipe this time because there are plenty online and I didn't do anything special. Plus Colton makes MUCH better crepes than I do. Colton's Crepes: delicious, not lumpy, cooked to perfection. Oh yummy.

Next time on "Crepes for Dinner"-

Add some lemon zest
Add the wet ingredients to the flour, not vice versa (lumps)
Savory crepes (too lazy to defrost and fry sausages)(that sounds dirty)

This will not happen today because PARENTS are coming and according to father, we are going to Burger King for dinner (lies, dad hates fast food and is actually Alan Greenspan). (I am also up earlier than five A.M. because parents are coming and I was so excited I couldn't sleep (this has happened before, see Christmas and birthdays and any exciting event).) Saturday sounds like a good day for dinner crepes. This time, they will be savory crepes, with sausages and onions and garlic. 

Friday, January 11, 2008

Ace Flashman in "Reggiecide"- Part I

Reggiecide Part 1: The Mission

Ace Flashman crept along the hedges by King Reginald's royal gardens. Though Ace knew many forms of offense and defense, the red-uniformed king's guards were an elite force, and he could not fend them off alone. He needed stealth to complete this adventure. 

Crruck! A branch snapped, and Ace froze as the guards whipped around at the sharp noise. "Blast and gunfire," thought Ace. The guards had noticed his muscular yet sleek form beside the hedges, and were now rushing towards him, the red gleam of murder in their eyes. Leaping upwards into a martial stance, Ace braced himself for the upcoming battle. Why had he accepted this mission?

Three days ago:

"Ace, I have a mission request for you," said Dr. Veronica Brandheart, reading her electronic mail on her tiny handheld computer Marlon. "The poor citizens of Reggiopolis have asked that you free them from the tyrannical claw of their king, King Reginald."

"Why?" grunted Ace, while doing one-handed pushups in Dr. Brandheart's clean and well-decorated office. He was an adventurer, not a man of missions, and though he loved Veronica and helping the oppressed, he did not love missions.

Veronica frowned and flipped her lush auburn locks. "You don't have to ask why! Citizens are being oppressed, and it is your duty to help them. Look, over nine thousand have specifically asked for your help. Read this one. A sad little girl with a stuffed bunny rabbit wrote it. Just. For. You." She handed Marlon to Ace.

Brow furrowed, Ace began to read the pitiful message of Reggiopolis' citizens while still doing push-ups. " Please help us Mr. Ace. My stuffed rabbit Bipsy and me ain't had a bite of bread to eat in five months. We has had to eat only dry grass and yucky roots. King Reggie is mean." There were many more of these messages, each pleading for Ace's help. A single tear fell from his left eye. "My heavens and word, Veronica, I had no idea. How could I refuse this mission request?" Ace stood up, back straight, a determined look on his face. "Get my gear Veronica. I think it's time for a mission."

Next time on "Reggiecide": Ace Flashman gets geared up, and encounters trouble on a train.

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Other Noteworthy Items of Interest

1. Mustang Ranch has been finished. If you have been following this tale, cheer for joy! For those of you who haven't, sorry. It's not the "great American story". Ha ha ha!

2. I forgot to take pictures of my aunt and uncle's scary statunes because I was too engrossed in their book collection. But I did take five hundred million pictures of cats?

"The Adventures of Ace Flashman, Adventurer" character guide

Here is a guide of all the characters in the new adventure serial story, "The Adventures of Ace Flashman, Adventurer". 

Our Two Main Heroes
Ace Flashman- A handsome adventurer out to discover new lands and people. He knows how to defend himself, as well as up to three sheep, one or two monkeys,  two and a half damsels, and a boxful of baby animals.
Veronica Brandheart- An extraordinarily intelligent weapons scientist who provides all sorts of gadgetry for our hero. She is also our hero's "eye apple" and shares a chaste romance with him.

As the number of characters grows, so too will this list, so remember to refer back here if you are ever lost, and cannot remember what Young Brandon, Boy Musician, is known for.