In the last episode, Ace found himself in a figurative sack of angry bees as the elite guards of King Reggie closed in on him. He then flashed back to a time when he accepted an important mission. Today, we will examine some high-tech gear and board a train.
As an adventurer, Ace Flashman used an impressive amount of gear. Thus, he needed an assistant to keep it organized, and Veronica was that assistant. Her system of organization was flawless, and incomprehensible to Ace. He was ready for adventuring in a matter of hours.
“Thank you honey bunches.” Ace grabbed his last item, a train ticket to Reggieopolis, from Veronica’s hands. “Without you, I would have been ready in weeks, not hours.”
Because they shared a chaste romance, the couple parted with a quick smooch and loving hugs. It was time to travel.
Ace arrived at the train station (with the help of Toby, his immature chauffeur) and boarded the train without hassle, sitting next to a grumpy Hawaiian, who shot dirty looks at the rate of five looks per minute. Soon, the conductor tugged on the whistle, and the train chugged along, quickly reaching its maximum speed of 5,000 miles per hour. Curmudgeonly seatmate aside, this easy ride would be the only one Ace could experience. Ace lost himself in thoughts of adventuring and saving helpless citizens.
Bazoop! A laser beamed past Ace and through the brain of his neighbor, the Hawaiian. “That laser was clearly meant for me.” Ace reached for his favorite weapon, his burly arms. “And these guns are meant for you.”
He swung a fierce right hook at his assailant. The assailant ducked. “Who are you, and what beef do you have with me, Ace Flashman, adventurer,” asked Ace, as his left fist whizzed through the air, connecting not with the stranger, but with air molecules.
His black-clad assailant danced around like a prima donna, dodging every kick, punch, and grapple Ace had. “I am A. Menace. I am a loyal servant of King Reggie, here to stop your filthy task.”
“I see you’re not alone.” Ace picked up his stiff neighbor and threw him at the A. Menace. “You and your laser gun have come to stop me.”
A. Menace bent backwards at a ninety-degree angle, a crafty smile on his evil, pointy face. “Oh, but can you stop us, Sir Flashman? Humans cannot stop lasers! They are not made of reflective material, you muscle dunce.” A. Menace brandished his burnished bronze laser guns, two in his hands, a third in the mutant hand growing from the top of his egg-like head. “And you can see I have three lasers in my three hands.”
Ace Flashman flinched at the sight of the three lasers, but not at the sight of the third arm because he was unprejudiced and a kind soul. Would he be able to stop this three-armed A. Menace?
Next time on "Reggiecide": Ace Flashman has a few tricks up his sleeve, literally!